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my blog (in Polish)
Peter-Pike's and my SIGGRAPH 2009 Talk: Normal mapping with low-frequency precomputed visibility
Ben's and my GDC 2011 Talk: Mega Meshes: Modelling, rendering and lighting a world made of 100 billion polygons
Peter-Pike's and my JGT article: Normal mapping with low-frequency precomputed visibility
My SIGGRAPH 2013 Talk: Lighting Technology Of "The Last Of Us"
Notes for Angelo's and my segment of the Physically Based Rendering course on SIGGRAPH 2015: Approximate Models for Physically Based Rendering
Peter-Pike's and my paper for EGSR 2017 (EI&I track): Ambient Dice (slides from the talk)
Peter-Pike's and my talk from Advances course on SIGGRAPH 2017: Precomputed Lighting in CoD:IW
Book that I co-authored with Tomas Akenine-Möller, Eric Haines, Naty Hoffman, Angelo Pesce and Sebastien Hillaire: Real-Time Rendering, Fourth Edition
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